1 October 2019

We respond to Sunbury's Water Future community recommendations

During the second phase of engagement (the ‘deliberative engagement’ phase), the wider engagement report was provided to the Sunbury’s Water Future Community Panel for consideration alongside a wide range of other information and inputs.

Over five, full-day sessions in May and June 2019, the panel of 35 explored and deliberated topics and solutions related to the future of Sunbury's water management. These include recycled water and stormwater, catchments and waterways, climate change and urban growth.

Ultimately, the Panel produced a report detailing nine recommendations they would like to see considered as part of Sunbury's Water Future. Melbourne Water and Greater Western Water endorsed all nine recommendations and they are being used to develop options for Sunbury's IWM Plan.

To learn more about the community panel had to say watch the videos below and read their recommendations in the Panel report.

Who made up Sunbury's Water Future Community Panel?

infographic of community panel demographics

How we responded to the panel's recommendations?

Both Melbourne Water and Greater Western Water's Board of Directors have praised the hard work and vision of the SWF community panel and endorsed the detailed response report prepared by both corporations.

Next steps

The road to Sunbury's water future is long and complex but we are well on the way. Over the past 12 months, the project team have developed an assessment framework that translates the panel's recommendations into workable options aligned with Integrated Water Management criteria.

Multiple options were then grouped into four larger portfolios. These portfolios, which incorporate all desired outcomes from the recommendations, will ultimately form Sunbury’s Integrated Water management plan.

The panel's recommendations have now reached a point where we are able to explore broader community sentiment on potential solutions. We are seeking your feedback on the recommendations via the current survey.